sòng sǐ
意思解释:(Court death)自寻死路。 指父母丧葬之事。 犹害死。 《三国演义》第四七回:“庶(徐庶 )曰:‘吾感 刘皇叔 厚恩,未尝忘报。
(1) shows parents is mortuary. does Mencius · fall from a surname : grand of bed of shellfish of predestined relationship of end of of of of approach of bed of shellfish of predestined relationship of quarrel of Hui of Bu! 2) takes a fatal disaster oneself. the battle of Chibi : Fly of of of take along sth to sb of of of of haze Zhuang bath Wen Tianxiang < is the guideline recorded > hind foreword : Thin
送组词、死组词、 者回、化土、忖沙、见颜、土营、打和、切己、投匦、炎运、丛悲、良商、泾水、贿漏、栽盆、斤斗、逾恒、拔足、闇惑、送死、蹦跳、