jīn xiān
意思解释:(Jin Xian)指佛。
佛的称号。岑参《登总持阁》诗: “早知清净理, 常愿奉金仙。” 《宋史·徽宗纪四》:“宣和元年春正月……诏:‘佛改号大觉金仙。’”…
The title of Buddha. Cen Can ascend always hold cabinet poetic: Extensive region of bully reins shine T of Hui 〕 mounds umbrella of Jian of a kind of net used for fishing or for dredging up river sludge! Umbrella of Jian of Xue of v/LIT an amphora-like jar of glutinous of egret dusk! Is thin
金组词、仙组词、 女臂、封君、优允、恩审、疑云、苏功、天茁、均赋、门衢、功作、饤簇、染青、谟策、克成、款别、根实、皇度、父赏、金仙、饥扰、