
ōu tuō

意思解释:(Ou is taken off)古代少数民族屯戍或守望的土室。指屯戍之人。指两国分界的缓冲地带。边地;边境荒地。 指屯戍之人。 边地;边境荒地。




Ancient time east moustache and Hun both sides are presidential the border zone that be less than. history is the Hun that write down · passed : в of care of  of miserly of  of dispute of apricot of  of clear of  of Kong of helmet of bank   ah leisurely of Zheng  Di watersides Nao  Bi is chosen! of Fen of Sui of thin mound  the room that presses Hou of the denounce on the condition is taken off for Ou also. is division ancient say: Boil disease of σ of  of  of Duo of Cao of  of Γ of  of shrimp Nao  aing shallow lake overgrown with wild plants! Thin bet Cuo;

