
hǎn fù

意思解释:(Rarely father)复姓。春秋有罕父黑。见《史记·仲尼弟子列传》。




(The net of 1) fowling. Song Yu is Gao Tang endowed with : Sulphur of  of two of  of ⅲ of annulus of Ang  Peng scrupulously and respectfully! : of ú of Fu F Bi of be jealous of is able to bear or endure  (2) banners and flags. history the Zhou Benji that write down · : Charm of Bao of  of umbrella of saddle Ping glue offends  ! 3) is little, exiguous. Wang Anshi does buddhist hill write down You Bao : Go whoring of bank  happy  ah  of crisp  of  of  of Zhao Ding of planning know well of T of  of Jia of  of shallow V of ⒎ of ⒐ Qian frame cracks an umbrella! My red 

