
zhū liè

意思解释:(Bright red mane)马的红色颈毛。 神马名。 红色的背鳍。借指美丽的鱼。




(1) beard. is the left clear that pass · fair 7 years :  of green ǎ of attentively of  of Hua of my  the tenth of the twelve Earthly Branches hooks yo of ぁ  You! photograph: San  on mandarin · Chu Yu : Basketry dirty sends scabbard  happily to touch mulberry   hooks ぁ   to agree cheese of Zhuo of  of extensive of disease of Piao mulberry  is ill! The long hair on2) beasts neck. left pass · to decide fair 10 years : Ang   of miscellaneous leg of  of  of  soot Bo falling into oblivion! Two of  of small hole Jiu

