lǎo hěn
意思解释:(Old very)极大的决心。
Differentiate and analyse is making degree adverbial word justice on make synonymous impact. The applicable object of both, syntactic function and colloquial colour have not. Very it is the most commonly used degree adverb, suitable scope is compared old extensive. Very can add before not , state those who have reservation is negative, be like very not outstanding , and very not outstanding of expression...
老组词、很组词、 钓璜、富饶、仗斧、营赡、螯胶、不甩、物变、灵凤、韫藏、无课、媚惑、列嶂、布演、丝子、男阴、钝闻、五欲、三异、老很、瑟汩、