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意思解释:(Answer fold)见“复迭”。
One of demit case. certain ground of in quick succession uses the word in the rhetorical means in same statement. Have answer demit and reiterative locution two kinds. Answer there is other term interval among folded word, or although tighten,join and the meaning has not, say answer demit ; Song Dai old Zuo article criterion say the body of crisscross , tang Yue figures of speech say answer word and with demit...
复组词、叠组词、 储宰、号恸、点染、奉事、甄陶、众座、至机、末费、称俗、凤带、禅诵、凌暴、课治、道周、负斗、寝谋、安喻、雪华、复叠、掣签、