
zì zhì

意思解释:(Send oneself)竭尽自己的心力。 凭主观努力而得。 谓将精力用在某一方面。


[出处]《史记·范睢蔡泽列传》。[释义]须贾赤身爬起,通过范睢手下人向范雎谢罪,说:“我从没想到您会青云直上,从此我再也不敢读天下书,参与天下大事。”[用法]形容人官场得意,提职升官到高位。[常用形式]登青云 飞上青云 青…


[Provenance] history biographies of Cai Ze of the Fan Sui that write down · . [Paraphrase] body of beard merchant bare climbs, pass model Sui subordinate to model Ju offer an apology, say: Unplug assist uses riverside of Beng of Kong of  of Huang Yun Jiao to despise rare  oh put down of Huan Xie of Song Yixi arm illuminate carbylamine of Wo of the  that lead Liang illuminate grand of bed of the foot of mountain! Bao usage] official circles of form tolerate with others is complacent, carry duty to be promoted exalted. [Commonly used form] ascend high official position to fly on blueness of high official position...

