fǎn zhī
意思解释:(Conversely)反过来说或做;与此相反。 与此相反。 返回初始状态。 明 张居正 《杂著》:“开国之初,庶事草创,大抵皆多质少文。凡制礼作乐铺张繁盛之事,皆在国之中世。当其时,人以为太平盛美,而不知衰乱之萌,肇於此矣。
Even as contrary as this; on the contrary or do conversely. [illustrative sentence] theory is united in wedlock well with practice, can score a success, ~ , can suffer failure. [synonymous] contrary [differentiate and analyse] conversely place connective the; that two clause position is equality contrary place connective before meaning of two clause language light hind heavy, positional imparity. ...
反组词、之组词、 询诘、个侬、象载、广座、照席、賗票、纲常、迎面、沈鱼、公家、贞令、阿曾、川归、污膺、金苏、剽掇、稍瓜、世婚、反之、力尽、