
yàn kuài

意思解释:(Swallow Kuai)指战国时燕王哙。燕哙曾让国于子之,造成燕国大乱。




The mouth of the animal. south the Huaihe River child · true example : Be ashamed of of  of  of Wei of postscript fan ⅰ ! Hail instruct ā fly shank is thin 3 ┛ shank! End asks Luo だ is planted of mother's brother copy see toward with examine today, thing of my emperor much Kuai. [Kuai five] history biographies of Hou of shade of the Huaihe River that write down · :  of encompass of Qiu of rostellum of  of Bo of  of  of  of  of target cowardly ⒐ stops of υ of  of Luo Niu of cowardly of  of  of flesh of  simian shoot a glance at ' be born to wait with Kuai therefore...

