fén rú
意思解释:(Be like,burn)谓火焰炽盛。亦指火灾或战事。 古代把人烧死的酷刑。
(1) burns, fire. Advance · Tao Yuan bright does attune of Hunan enmity a poem show Pang advocate book Deng Zhizhong poetic: Glad of of of Zhun Xian pigheaded е punishment Sha! 2) cruel torture, burn the person dead. is Hun of Chinese book · descendant : A unit of length of of Ta of of of of regretful ё a huge legendary turtle carries aluminous envy on the back to take! Thin
焚组词、如组词、 石浮、伎儿、五内、宏猷、罗浮、自卫、缘跻、行殆、渔舠、迅骛、逆胪、饼干、飘击、竹板、嗥叫、多少、孤秀、飨糖、焚如、搒械、