xù diāo
意思解释:(Add ermine)晋·赵王·司马伦专朝政,封爵极滥,冠饰所用貂尾不足,至以狗尾代充,时人谚曰:“貂不足,狗尾续。”见《晋书·赵王伦传》。后因以“狗尾续貂”、“续貂”喻封爵之滥授。喻指滥竽充数的官吏。比喻续加的不及原有的,前后很不相称。常用作自谦之词。用作讥讽语。 喻指滥竽充数的官吏。 比喻续加的不及原有的,前后很不相称。常用作自谦之词。
A wretched sequel to a fine work skeletonize language. Compare what add adds to be inferior to former some. Often use as the word of self-abasement. Ceng Gong send stay explain yuan child hair : Band of of of Hui of Ben of of of of the Lv that make apricot smooth with a rake faithful laying new moon just! Thin
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