héng cí
意思解释:(Constant demit)习用的语词。
指政令贵在稳定持久,文辞贵在简明扼要。语出《书·毕命》:“慎固封守,以康四海。政贵有恒,辞尚体要,不惟好异。”[例] 至于“~”,予虽不敏,中或有一得焉。(元·王恽《乌台笔补序》)自古帝王,未有不以亲览章奏,为勤政励精之…
Show government order is expensive in stability abiding, diction is expensive be in crisp. Language piece does book · finish life : dusk of Deng of key of of stand upright of Bei Tan dainty! Have diarrhoea of U bamboo-plaited basket or suitcase is contrary to of of Qun of artful punishment shakes shank of ┖ blown away by wind! Bao exemple] as to ~ , although,grant not quick, medium or one get Yan. (Yuan · Wang Yun filling foreword of black stage pen ) since ancient times monarch, have no do not see chapter play in order to kiss, for diligent of politics encourage essence...
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