qín hè
意思解释:(Musical instrument crane)琴与鹤。古人常以琴鹤相随,表示清高、廉洁。
Call to be followed with photograph of musical instrument crane. The analogy is Guan Qinglian. Don Zheng cereal give Fu Ping plum to slaughter : Near of amine Yin moves bite neodymium of pay hair on the neck of a pig is affectedly sweet live! Thin
琴组词、鹤组词、 漂田、艰乏、念书、权词、场藿、二四、亚腰、标明、孺蒙、挑包、搂伐、银书、顿消、命棹、舅父、环钱、远光、裹鲊、琴鹤、睿圣、