zǐ bèi
意思解释:(Violet shellfish)也称文贝、砑螺。海中软体动物名。壳圆质洁白,有紫色斑纹,大者至尺许。
With violet shellfish illuminative the door. Violet shellfish, a kind of precious shellfish. Fault, door view. river uncle : of Zhan of hut of Jian of white daughter-in-law temper by dipping in water! of of ゼ of Bi slight corneal opacity fault, the door is watched also. Call to act the role of Que Ye with violet shellfish. Hunan madam : Do obeisance to field of ケ Jian Yu Xian! Bake of coffin of Yue common Li violet, violet shellfish also. photograph shellfish classics say:
紫组词、贝组词、 中气、浊碎、肩章、摆格、雪卷、整隽、半票、墨板、作垒、塞聪、海上、埂子、平皋、邀召、心戒、瞢懂、进膳、嶂表、紫贝、诡文、