
tián sū

意思解释:(Tian Su)《左传·襄公七年》:“无忌不才,让,其可乎?请立起也。与田苏游,而曰'好仁'。”杜预注:“田苏,晋贤人。苏言起好仁。”后借指贤德长者。




is the left assist that pass · fair 7 years : Unplug of Shan of Qi of  of boundless and indistinct of  of ox of hesitating of goosefoot Buddhist templeput on the brakes stands please case also. Swim with Tian Su and say ' good benevolence ' . prevent note: beforehand Scar Sou blinks province of ferociousing bud of cloud of clear of K of excuse me of   leg! Bake Qu shaddock is driven steal ǖ of approach of L of rash ふ to fold to sweep past to fold to fight Li to hold Dang in the palm to use up mill Hao Ci washs be favored with of  of big and thick this of   copy divide Caori to meet,

