dì jǐng
意思解释:(Ground scene)《庄子·齐物论》:“罔两问景曰:'曩子行,今子止;曩子坐,今子起;何其无特操与?'景曰:'吾有待而然者邪?吾所待又有待而然者邪?吾待蛇蚹蜩翼邪?恶识所以然!恶识所以不然!'”成玄英疏:“影之所待,即是形也。若使影待于形,形待造物,请问造物复何待乎?斯则待待无穷,卒乎无待也。”影布地上,后世道家遂以“地景”形容无待外物、与道俱化的修养境界。 指点缀地面的小景物,如花草等。
Small piece of land surrounded by water be fastened on Gong Jiang, swiftly 10 Yu year. All over the world is attacked only say, much gentleman namely otherwise. Pu Zhu is weighed to walk on, garden willow aids Shi Xuan. Fulfil of exert oneself force is intimate, ...
地组词、景组词、 厕屋、慕望、拗项、学区、冷饮、虎翼、退坡、戴德、构堂、怀珍、逃杯、流鱼、黯黪、首策、捻船、阿等、改路、自习、地景、典肆、