ān mó lè
意思解释:(Grain Ping)一种中药材,为大戟科植物余甘子的果实。果为球形,有棱。
An Mole is also called Yu Ganzi, An Mole, Yu Gan, An Moro Kago, Tu Olive, Oil Citrus, Wang Fruit, Oil Ganzi, Niu Ganzi, Olive, Hougan Ganzi, Yumu Fruit, Dian Olive, Olive. It is distributed in Jiangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places. It has the effects of clearing heat and promoting pharynx, moistening the lungs and removing phlegm, promoting fluid production and thirst quenching. It is commonly used for colds, fever, cough, sore throat, diphtheria, irritability, thirst, hypertension.
庵组词、摩组词、勒组词、 昌姬、摈除、侵食、肃香、緑耳、眺览、排句、恶处、武监、条施、鱼鞞、强势、石湖、成皋、白蚂蚁、安全门、安平桥、白甲军、庵摩勒、丕时、