ān quán mén
意思解释:(theftproof door)门禁控制系统,又称防盗门。
安全门也叫速通门,隶属于门禁控制系统,是现代出入口控制的重要组成部分之一。门翼受控制系统驱动,自动打开和关闭,可以通过编程设置选择操作模式: 只要验证进入者已被授权,门翼自动打开。延时后闭合,延时时间可调。
The safety door, also known as the quick pass door, belongs to the access control system and is one of the important components of modern entrance control. The door wing is driven by the control system to open and close automatically. The operation mode can be selected through programming: the door wing will open automatically as long as the entrant is verified to have been authorized. It is closed after delay, and the delay time is adjustable.
安组词、全组词、门组词、 鞠侯、口敞、叛乱、昌姬、摈除、侵食、肃香、緑耳、眺览、排句、恶处、武监、条施、鱼鞞、强势、石湖、成皋、白蚂蚁、安全门、安平桥、