jiǎn duàn
意思解释:(Brief break)犹干练。
Forthright is decisive; is flat and agile: (Those people) send some of thing at the same time, flatter again at the same time he (smooth) handle affairs ~ . (Although conversation of 61 · 1438) is not much, hear that voice with respect to ~ . (Shi Xiangyun of 27 · 617) is laughing to say, This (battle pointing to Mu) ~ is efficient and able, added up to my disposition. I am no good this shoots Fu, the crestfallen frowsty person that do not have, I finger-guessing game-a drinking game at feasts went. (6...
简组词、断组词、 筵燕、英勇、寰内、戎服、出卖、相尾、残心、割线、妻党、丧话、勿翦、首告、逞壮、好生、越桃、撒鞋、析谢、冱阴、简断、任力、