xī xiè
意思解释:(Analyse withers)藏族的曲艺。主要流行于西藏自治区,历史悠久。其内容以歌喜迎祥,解说万物由来为主。解放后多有反映现实生活的新节目。
The quyi of Tibetian. Main popularity at the the Xizang Autonomous Region, the history is long. Its content is greeted with song happy event auspicious, origin of explanation everythings on earth is given priority to. There is the new program that reflects real life more after liberating. ...
析组词、谢组词、 作慝、游户、筵燕、英勇、寰内、戎服、出卖、相尾、残心、割线、妻党、丧话、勿翦、首告、逞壮、好生、越桃、撒鞋、析谢、冱阴、