yuè táo
意思解释:(Yue Tao)栀子的别名。
桃树,落叶小乔木,花粉红而艳丽,果实略呈球形,是一种常见的水果。核仁可入药。也指这种植物的果实。 形状像桃的东西:棉~(棉花的果实)。 指核桃:~酥。 语汇桃符 桃红 桃李 桃仁桃色 桃汛 桃源…
Peach, deciduous leaf small tree, pollen is red and gorgeous, fructification is shown slightly globose, it is a kind of common fruit. Nucleolus can be used as medicine. Also point to fructification of this kind of floral. Does appearance resemble the thing: of peach The fructification) of Qu cotton. Point to walnut: frame! Does √ of shank of fluid of √ of of drag of ∮ nobelium gate depend on √ of of doubt of serve of Sui √ pancreas already plinth √ with plinth
越组词、桃组词、 伤损、强亲、作慝、游户、筵燕、英勇、寰内、戎服、出卖、相尾、残心、割线、妻党、丧话、勿翦、首告、逞壮、好生、越桃、撒鞋、