gē xiàn
意思解释:(Secant)与曲线相交于两个或更多的点的直线。 从圆心出发通过该圆某一圆弧一个端点到该弧另一端的切线画的直线。
One has two with a curve point-blank public site, this is curvilinear secant point-blank. 1607 benefit Ma Dou Yi geometry originally roll 3: Pa finishs children's hair of witch of elaborate of firewood of care of Ka sex berth finishs Lu seal joins of Wo of shaming evil spirit of banner of of Zheng of any of several hot spice plants to dry up the pace pulls Juan of of Dong of neodymium of Jiao of smile of Xing of the name of a river in Anhui Province to irrigate reef of the bing4 ru4 gao1huang1 that pull to dry up pace wall changes ハ lament to take!
割组词、线组词、 称副、雕涸、眼同、干戚、堂赠、广成、凡臆、伤损、强亲、作慝、游户、筵燕、英勇、寰内、戎服、出卖、相尾、残心、割线、妻党、