fèng zhǎo
意思解释:(Phoenix claw)凤凰的脚趾。 指形如凤爪的利器。 对烹调过的鸡脚爪的美称。
The toe of phoenix. Also use the good name of the gallinaceous foot claw that oppose cook crosses. Shanghai literature 1981 the 7th period: Unplug cheek and copy of Bi of the member that small cup of ⒉ of Sui of k of ⑴ of Α of an ancient unit of weight of new moon aing concubine of an emperor lights Chi of of cherry of father Bao !
凤组词、爪组词、 庶职、猿玃、刁拐、老兵、备选、吐口、由打、神民、所自、路蹊、收璧、确荦、盘阊、吨级、薨谢、道床、遮隔、驳文、凤爪、所亲、