nán dōu
意思解释:(South)地名。东汉光武帝的故乡在南阳郡,郡治宛在京都洛阳之南,因称宛为南都。在今河南省南阳市。汉张衡有《南都赋》,李善注引挚虞曰:“南阳郡,治宛,在京之南,故曰南都。” 明人称南京为南都。如吴应箕记南京召试事,书名为《南都应试记》。
Han Jiadui exemplarying relative, week room is heavy honour close. Bow with hands clasped to Ranglaoming advocate, difficulties and dangers battles division official. Luxurious low 6 generation, elders of a country or district looks at 3 the Qin Dynasty. Eternally bell hill is angry, ...
南组词、都组词、 蒙保、身年、贪谗、拨损、场圃、雀饧、共政、郊特、白荅、杰然、蠖伏、喜钱、一溉、饥切、行锡、欢怿、严直、心关、南都、祖训、