xún huí
意思解释:(Abide is answered)见“循回”。 迂回。迴,一本作“回”。见“循迴”。
Preposition location preposition, condition preposition. Before be being used at verbal predicate, the language that take guest makes adverbial modifier, introduce concerned location or evidence. One, location preposition. Introduce the location of behavioral behavior by, represent the line of behavior. But interpret is suitable , down , along , along etc. Be like: (If 1) gives Wu Dong square, watch Bing Wudong to smooth, abide sea and return...
循组词、回组词、 近月、升眺、诒离、踏青、白鹄、荒春、奋权、鳞错、凯番、农渔、内密、虎观、山藻、贫里、至贤、萧飒、奇珍、面药、循回、樘突、