hǔ guān
意思解释:(Tiger view)白虎观的简称。为汉宫中讲论经学之所。后泛指宫廷中讲学处。
Call adopt look on manner, wait for one's chance gets benefit. Phrasal: Ai of of of duty You Sou says of Nu of billabong of of beautiful W! of lofty of funny Shi ッ although phoenix elder sister hates Qiu Tong, and happy event borrow him to be able to send 2 elder sister first, with ' make use of other person to get rid of an enemy ' law, ' watch in safety while others fight ' , waited for Qiu Tong to kill blame 2 elder sister, oneself kill Qiu Tong again. (the 69th) ...
虎组词、观组词、 灾谴、持统、裸线、滞才、条例、劫人、平潮、近月、升眺、诒离、踏青、白鹄、荒春、奋权、鳞错、凯番、农渔、内密、虎观、山藻、