
ní rì

意思解释:(Slimy day)泥洹日,涅盘日。




One of doctrine of antediluvian initial consonant. Mediaeval woman, day 2 mothers are antediluvian mother putting in mud 's charge. Zhang Binglin does reason discuss the state judge do 2 button of day of · Gu Yin's woman put in mud 's charge to say cloud: Sneer of brighting orangutan of Ang to bang spins Ai of razor clam of г of sandpiper of an insect destructive of the roots of seedlings of creek of hum Γ  to disrelish raw meat or fish of encompass of Yin of sigh of Qian of  of Γ of heart an ancient unit of weight piece soak of Γ  Quan reads hum σ disease! Be like Zhong Ni,

