
lùn jí

意思解释:(Consider market)编次撰集。


汉语史论著汇编。苏联谢·叶·雅洪托夫(Cepгeй Еbгeнeви Яхoнтoв.(1926—  )著,唐作藩、胡双宝选编。收入1959—1980年论著十五篇,内容涉及上古汉语的韵母系统、复辅音声母、唇化元音、起首辅音,上古汉语的词类、使动式,汉…


Collection of Chinese history book. Russia Xie Xie Ya big ask a husband (в of O of т of н of O of х of Я of   of и of в of E of н of E of г of B of Е of   of й of Cep г E. (1926,     ) , tang Zunfan, introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad Shuang Baoxuan is made up. Income 1959, 1980 treatise 15, the system of simple or compound vowel that content involves antediluvian Chinese, answer consonantal initial consonant, lip changes consonant of vowel, at first, the parts of words of antediluvian Chinese, make use formula, chinese...

