bān chán
意思解释:(The Panchen)“班禅额尔德尼”的简称。与达赖并称为西藏藏传佛教格鲁派(黄教)两大活佛。1645年和硕特蒙古固始汗尊格鲁派领袖罗桑却吉坚赞为班禅(即班禅四世,前三世是追认的)。1713年,清朝册封班禅五世罗桑意希为班禅额尔德尼,正式确定其地位。此后,历世班禅转世,必经中央政府册封,成为定制。驻地日喀则。
The religious cacique of Tibetan person. Class: tries of ú l broad. It is broad and profound to knowledge formerly, the address sb respectfully of broad and unparalleled scholar. Qing Kangxi says 52 years before the Panchen breathes out Tuketu , just grant 52 years to Kang Xi Buddhist nun of heart of Panchen forehead Er , the position amounts to Lai Xiang to wait with what run civil service. ...
班组词、禅组词、 黑煤、皋伊、蒲室、仙桡、程効、休利、盛养、平安、讼阁、神贤、丹穴、支脚、要褭、申列、天癸、拘絷、守邸、瞎撞、班禅、连用、