
qīng fǎ

意思解释:(Light standard)谓法令所定的赏和罚都很轻微。 犹轻典。




Avoid of legal give up is changed easily, the law is expensive in must carry out. Show legislation wants relative stability, execute the law should decisive fulfil. is Wang Xin of · of history of the Song Dynasty passed : Is box of an insect destructive of the roots of seedlings of Gu of  of clear of Ba of amine ń the name of a river in Anhui Province small Anchor Song ひ circles  corrupts curtain of  of  of source of  of  of Γ  Qu! Box of an insect destructive of the roots of seedlings of Gu of  of clear of Ba of the name of a river in Anhui Province of ń of handsome amine of thin correct  is small!

