
zhōng jūn

意思解释:(In army)古时行军作战队分上、中、下(或左、中、右)三军,由主帅所居中军发号施令。 指中军统帅的营帐。 “中军将军”的省称。




(Army of 1) ancient time is set left, right or medium, medium, on, next army, advocate handsome be placed in the middle army in order to issue orders. left pass · post fair 5 years : Cling to anxious  of  of Liang Song  points to add  to bow with hands clasped to  of Wan of    to brag  of Xiang  v/LIT an amphora-like jar! 2) in army general the province says. Qiu Chi with Chen Baizhi book : Ah  of brigade of Jian of  of approach of neodymium of  Qiu ǖ wishs  Long heats up kind of Chu! is faced plain...

