
duàn gàn

意思解释:(Duan Gan)古邑名。 古代美女名。 复姓。战国时魏有段干木。见《史记·儒林列传序》。




Ancient city name. history write down biographies of Han of · old Zhuang Shen : Coat is displayed  uses umbrella of stomach of to joke of Xiu of  of  of boat of  of Xuan of  grave  ! Does collect of S of spurt roe deer solve:  of Bei of spruce cut off from of κ of  of bank stomach mulberry is ill! Hail Quan climbs  of pump Lang  ! Paragraph of idle of ⅰ of female Le of excuse me of difficult っ aspic make be applied first, the apprentice of of easy of a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale, characters cut in relief, Duan Gan, Wu Wa, gate, Fu Yu, eye Tiao heart and. ...

