jīn dào
意思解释:(Muscle path)方言。指食物有韧性,耐咀嚼。如:拉面吃到嘴里挺筋道。方言。身体结实。如:这老头儿倒挺筋道。 方言。身体结实。
〈方〉 指食物嚼着有韧性:手擀面吃着~。 身体结实(多指老人):老人身体挺~的,八十岁了还能爬山。…
< square > show food is being chewed is there tenacity: Ping of γ of fabricate make up slaughters pigheaded ! Does of Yao of ∩ Xia Qian point to an old person more) : Hoarse of Gui of of alarm of of model of of Xian Songxia fleeing Α rouses Bi Lang Jian!
筋组词、道组词、 究归、选定、县联、荣畅、祅怪、周印、华阶、对接、栖槎、朵罗、灵梦、打翻、骄僻、伉健、盈瑱、察举、竹筛、内允、筋道、鸷击、