chá jǔ
意思解释:(Examine is lifted)汉代选官制度。始于武帝时,由丞相、列侯、刺史、守相等推举,经过考核合格即任以官职,主要科目有孝廉、贤良文学、秀才等。是士大夫仕进的主要途径。 中国 古代选拔官吏的制度,由官吏荐举,经过考核,任以官职。 《汉书·文翁传》:“文翁,庐江舒 人。少好学,通《春秋》,以郡县吏察举。 监察检举。
< renown > the system of choose government official. Chinese stipulate 100 Guan Youyi Wu recommend a talent to the imperial court, have the items such as filial piety cheap, able and virtuous Founder and literature. Through the official is being given after assessment, lift like place undeserved, the person that recommend often assumes due responsibility. ...
察组词、举组词、 拥闭、尊事、咏歌、究归、选定、县联、荣畅、祅怪、周印、华阶、对接、栖槎、朵罗、灵梦、打翻、骄僻、伉健、盈瑱、察举、竹筛、