ruì guǎng
意思解释:(Farsighted wide)明达广大;深广。
Farsighted Ru ì is used at sagacious . farsighted a variant form of a Chinese character. [Jian Fan concerns] be knowingly word, original meaning is understand, advisability. say article · department : keeps disease of ㄒ of of Bo of Juan Tao of deep and remote dredge of 4 cherry needs benevolence! of rice of times Wo insane (from, from eye) friend says deep bright; cereal with appearance its are deep also. ...
睿组词、广组词、 挜摆、票帅、宦客、贪嗜、作玩、何消、押赴、赢幐、隙缺、双蛾、缑峰、华域、垂成、固宠、诗题、骚士、顾怜、灵光、睿广、岭外、