jiù zhāng
意思解释:(Vulture chapter)指沙俄的国徽。其国徽图像如鹰,因称。
A general designation of bird of accipitral division share. Bigger like the eagle, the mouth is shown falcate, visual acumen, be apt to flies, the gender is feral, prey birds and beasts. Have vulture, griffon vulture commonly. Old times often is mixed call vulture vulture. ...
鹫组词、章组词、 兵队、山驴、王旅、官帽、发功、金戈、未逮、指斥、狡悍、回转、小脚、土铳、发配、公输、凤城、徧游、对御、少歌、鹫章、浅子、