hàn shū
意思解释:(Chinese book)书名,东汉班固撰。父班彪继《史传》而作《后传》,六十五篇,固以其父所续不详,又缀集史料,撰成本书。上起前206年高祖元年,下迄公元24年刘主更始二年,包括王莽的新朝在内,共二百三十年,有十二纪、八表、十志、七十列传一百篇,其中八表和《天文志》未完稿,由其妹班昭续成,成为我国第一部断代史。
< renown > one of the Twenty-four Histories, division of history into periods of the first history presented in a series of biographies of Chinese history. Solid of class of the Eastern Han Dynasty is written. 100, distribute this record 12, express 8, annals 10, biographies 70, account Chinese great-great-grandfather comes the Western Han Dynasty when Wang Mang the history such as politics of 230 years, military affairs, culture. Tang Dynasty Yan Shigu collects what 23 annotate writes collect forefathers Chinese book is noted . ...
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