
zhí mìng

意思解释:(Hold life)掌握政权。语本《论语·季氏》:“陪臣执国命,三世希不失矣。” 追查凶手偿命。




family name of season of · of the analects of confucius : Ba angries merchant hang down  of    is old 2 emperor б imprints! Bake 9  of ā of  of general of collect of my street of  of defect of pa of bath of large bamboo hat  Dian alone core of  of  of で of Sha of  Fei the Song Dynasty handsome the be on the wane of room of successive servile suzerain week and ' world dear is made ' abolish gradually, should carry and rise ' hold life ' ' accompany me ' with ' the horizontal stroke is discussed ' ' place person ' , it is black area nothing more than...

