
chuāi wāi

意思解释:(Put crooked)见“揣歪捏怪”。




< is moved > piquant; confuse right and wrong. Lu Guanhua of look forward to. Shandong. does official of solution of · of the emperor of face of · of draft of word of hall of sea float hill come abandon : Case  Wo becomes warped the foot of mountain of green of  of  of Lan an ancient small-mouthed wine vessel is seldom  κ frame of Wan of  of dew of stand erect of earnest of  of the  that compare excuse me! The thin  that read angry ascends ツ of   つ inferior  returns flatter Fu fact is right you say me from now on also come, the life is whole won't ~ . " ② < is moved > put on an act...

