zàn qī
意思解释:(Assist period)齐诵赞美诗的日期。太平天国军民,每逢礼拜日或喜庆节日,必燃油灯二盏,陈设酒果,敬拜天父,齐诵赞美诗。
[paraphrase and usage] renown measure word. Metric in installment thing. 1. Use at: of class of project project, study of こ of show off yellow Quan does two period training class / terminally ∥ of all seats taken they are spare ballet grooms class the 3rd period student. / institute the 5th period master's degree class is about to term begins, recruit student in all 20 people. / square of construction blue sky head period project tomorrow...
赞组词、期组词、 仲商、俸余、使然、赤干、整辨、骄嫚、田地、八遐、晴爽、重天、孔壬、樊圃、贰功、神视、炎树、顶佛、宂迫、锥指、赞期、端伟、