shén shì
意思解释:(The god is inspected)谓不用眼睛察看,而靠精神感通一切。语出《列子·汤问》:“唯黄帝与容成子居空峒之上,同斋三月,心死形废;徐以神视,块然见之,若嵩山之阿。”张湛注:“神者,寂然玄照而已,不假于目。”
Preposition compares preposition. Before be being used at verbal predicate, the language that take guest makes adverbial modifier, introduce relative object to express to compare. But interpret is than (case) etc. Be like: (Cheap of person of 1) its disgrace goes, those who inspect 5 people is dead, weight solid how about (Bright · Zhang Pu a record of events inscribed on a tablet of 5 people grave ) -- those (be on curule show person) the behavior of disgraceful character, humbleness, compared with 5...
神组词、视组词、 拟谕、设卫、勺药、草舍、漂母、仲商、俸余、使然、赤干、整辨、骄嫚、田地、八遐、晴爽、重天、孔壬、樊圃、贰功、神视、炎树、