xiāng guān
意思解释:(Compartment official)官名。宋自大中祥符以后,将京城外划分为若干厢,特置厢官,归京府统领,受理居民争斗诉讼之事,凡情节较轻者,可以直接判决。南宋沿以为例,在临安也设厢官。
(The building of both sides of 1) principal rooms. does the life say neologism · generosity : of of of the that boil of my shelfing ≈ ! of copy of sodden dream of Ding Dou of of pain or numbness caused by cold Ru Congdong ~ is helped up case piece, one stares to inspect and laugh. (the area that 2) approachs a city. Guan Zhiliu of duty of · of history of the Song Dynasty : Thin
厢组词、官组词、 撒野、乡友、雪末、偶年、书簿、房差、肥硗、训诱、败黑、不类、衔肩、踏花、皂角、街禁、雄胆、会商、宋杜、幽囹、厢官、庙祝、