yǐn mǎ
意思解释:(Drink horse)给马喝水。 谓使战争临于某地;通过战争扩大疆土至某地。语本《左传·宣公十二年》:“楚子北,师次于郔。沈尹将中军,子重将左,子反将右,将饮马于河而归。”
Drink water to the horse. Zhou Libo tempest : of Xian of ⊥ of of Yu of of dark to joke is miscellaneous corrupt of show off of of of of of Song of agitate of Bao of of Lu of of wood of course of study of brown bear of hey of of # of of of order フ night rancors! of car of flatter of admonish of of straw of abduct of hail Shi pleasant enlarges territory to through the war somewhere. Language piece is the left announce that pass · fair 12 years : My clever I of Piao of Wo of the Υ that protect . Shen Yin will be medium army, child heavy will left...
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