
yǐn mǎ

意思解释:(Drink horse)给马喝水。 谓使战争临于某地;通过战争扩大疆土至某地。语本《左传·宣公十二年》:“楚子北,师次于郔。沈尹将中军,子重将左,子反将右,将饮马于河而归。”




Drink water to the horse. Zhou Libo tempest :  of Xian of ⊥ of  of Yu of  of dark to joke is miscellaneous corrupt  of show off of  of  of  of  of Song of agitate of Bao of  of Lu of  of wood of course of study of brown bear of hey of  of # of  of  of order フ night rancors! of car of flatter of admonish of  of straw of abduct of hail Shi pleasant enlarges territory to through the war somewhere. Language piece is the left announce that pass · fair 12 years : My  clever I of Piao of Wo of the Υ that protect  . Shen Yin will be medium army, child heavy will left...

