jiāo yán
意思解释:(Charming colour)美丽的容貌。
Face colour allows dye color colour body blushs with shame 1 beauty is boldfaced smile blushing (2 break into a smile of Nan) colour bone of willow of colour muscle of youth of Jiangyan appearance smiling face beauty of 3 with a kind and pleasant countenance v/arcs born under an unlucky star multicoloured of female bosom friend
娇组词、颜组词、 高奇、称诉、铜律、财谷、手段、雄特、吵聒、诛伤、光济、沦洄、协畅、谨愿、民累、坚白、游千、简健、长亭、历任、娇颜、卓案、