tōu yòng
意思解释:(Use secretly)非法拿走财产使用。
Move furtive li of property that takes away other, glom on to. [illustrative sentence] the business that he often does some of ~ chicken to feel a dog. [synonymous] ; of pilfer of; of pilfer of; of larcenous; theft is stolen [differentiate and analyse] secretly language suggestion is smaller, general the; such as an article of money of be confined to steal language meaning is heavier, obtain secretly with illegal means, the object is money article not only, still have...
偷组词、用组词、 震惕、雄图、白豆、赖耶、神吹、精利、银波、修蛾、遮漫、不对、为裘、赵盾、博负、云沫、论裁、辩告、轩越、钟王、偷用、戎女、