
yuán hé

意思解释:(Yuan and)唐宪宗李纯的年号(公元806—820年) 汉章帝的年号(西元84~86)​。 唐宪宗的年号(西元806~820)​。




You Yan too and . Ancient time points to the vigour that yin and yang can mix. old the Tang Dynasty is book · Guo Ziyi passed :  of  of be favored with of Ω of Xue of  of ィ of annulus of  of Huo of catenary of χ of  of approach of  of extensive of separate of  of  of  of  of Tuo of scar Wei  is ill! Hail closelies question bright the be jealous of that gnaw Nie bakes    calls on body of Kuo of   admire fat of Dui Nashu of 6 gull Α pharynx gargle yuan with ferry, be thought of mist and clouds in the twilight small. glow, make mist. Swallow of ③ Tang Dynasty...

