
kòu mǎ

意思解释:(Buckle a horse)拉住马不使行进。 《史记·伯夷列传》载:周武王伐纣,伯夷、叔齐扣马而谏,不听,乃逃入首阳山。后以“扣马”为直谏之典。




Pull a horse not to make advance. ② history biographies of the Bai Yi that write down · carry: Qi Xie sweets wine Jie of seed of You Long of eulogy of  of  of anxiety of  of mulberry of  of Ji of Meng of oxime of Yi of ⑹ of copy of  of ユ   be good at: Bath of large bamboo hat fly Meng rancors beans of float of show off of B of Huan of  of Shao of my  wall subtles of grand of  of  of dumpling of herd of Shi discharge  however, read other account, however although be the founder of a school of learning of that kingcraft and the expert's Zhou Chao, when expeditionary at the beginning of...

