xí cáng
意思解释:(Raid Tibet)犹珍藏。
[paraphrase and usage] renown measure word. Metric dress. Point to the dress: of a complete set of more Huang fierce a suit / 3 uniforms / a few informal clothes / several winter clothes / a Xi Rong is installed / that white clothing / cassock / habit two / cheongsam a few / association of clothing of China of a few ∥ sends fashionable dress them
袭组词、藏组词、 无竞、相道、孑杰、星渚、贬称、者流、襟情、霄练、讲堂、攀附、化期、温馥、屠保、穆亲、息宴、荣命、迁灭、游哨、袭藏、袭沿、