
bā tóu

意思解释:(Gather up first)方言。未包网巾头发的青年壮年人。




< renown > the cease place of country fairdyke bank. Wu Yu. Shanghai Chong Ming. Qing Guangxu 7 years Chong Ming county annals : My bully pecks daughter-in-law low to jump over fragrance disease of reins  ⊥ to arc   ! Fang Miao of  of window of drop of  of hail Song defect mires 3 Gou of shrimp of I of Sha of Xiu of N of two of  of grieve of  of cook a meal of mansion of " of Sha of Xiu of N of excuse me of line over sixty years of age Gou of aspic of cease of Qin of kneecap of Wu of Qian of G of a huge legendary turtle provides dinner for Piao uses up ~ , < move > ...

